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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Dinner at last!

The boys have finished all the outdoor activities for the day, and they are now queuing up for dinner.

03/01/2009 - Share on Ovi
03/01/2009 - Share on Ovi
03/01/2009 - Share on Ovi
Despite their tired faces, you can see the smiles of them as they wait anticipation for a well deserved meal.

Even more suprising, I'm sure many parents will be glad to see their sons washing their eating utensils themselves-- for some this may be the first time in their life :)
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As Victorians, we believe that all our boys will one day grow up into strong, independant individuals.
So parents, be comforted- because the day your son can take care of himself you know that in time to come, he will also be able to take care of you in future.

Nil Sine Labore

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